Monday, January 23, 2012

And here's another few days for ya...

So I'm sorry for the no posting (again) but I got good reason!!!

I think I'm getting carpal tunnel so I have been taking it easy on my typing. I even bought a brace and it's hella ugly! Their idea of nude is not my nude! See?

Well, anyways, back to Thursday. Ry and I went out to eat - because it was sorely needed. But nothing satisfies a Thursday night without these:

They were so delish. If you have no experienced a death star before, I highly suggest you run to El Chihuahua to get one.

Alright, Saturday was my BFF's birthday. She decided to grill on the night that it finally snowed - and I was dubious about having fun. But I was so wrong. The burgers were stuffed with yumminess and we were trying to entice others to get over to us:

Super fun... but I probably had too much fun with my bestie. Not to mention, I found out what my name is on her phone! Bestie Mcbest.... LOL, I kinda like it.

Today's picture... I feel bad. I make Ryan into the guinea pig all the time for pictures, but this brings out the cuddly side of him! I made these for a friend to make her happy and well, they're cute as hell. I might make a bunch of these for BM and give them out as gifts... maybe these won't backfire as much as the armies did?

1 comment:

  1. You must outfit him with TONS of these. I Demand to see him stomping it up at Metro or Area with one of these on.
